Call for Papers: FPGA 2018

Twenty-Sixth ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

February 25-27, 2018
Monterey Marriott Hotel, Monterey, California 93940, USA

Submission Deadline: September 17, 2017 September 24, 2017

The ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA 2018) is the premier conference for presentation of advances in FPGA technology.  Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and available in the ACM Digital Library.

Types of Submissions Sought

1. Research Papers

As usual, we solicit research papers related to the following areas:

Research submissions may be either:

A paper submitted as either full or short will only be considered in that category.

2. Tutorial Papers on Emerging Applications / Methodologies

The conference will include a Sunday workshop is oriented toward users of FPGAs: be it deep learning implementations, computer security or other emerging topics of interest. For this category, we solicit tutorial papers describing effective design techniques and design flows. The ideal submission will enable beginning researchers to enter the area, current researchers to broaden their scope, and practitioners to gain new and applicable skills.  Tutorial submissions need not present novel research results, but should integrate expert practical and/or research knowledge related to FPGAs for a broader audience. This may include:

Tutorial submissions should be at least 4 and at most 10 pages. Accepted submissions will be published in the proceedings and allocated a presentation time of up to one hour, appropriate to the content.

3. Panel Discussion Proposals

We also solicit proposals for the panel discussion at the conference banquet. The submission should outline the topic, questions to be addressed, and suggested speakers.

Submission Process

Submissions of all types should be made in the form of an English language PDF file, on-line at Papers should use the sigconf ACM format template posted at Submissions must be received by September 17, 2017   September 24, 2017   at 11:59 PM (in any time zone).

 Submissions will be considered for acceptance as full or short regular papers, workshop papers, or posters. Regular submissions related to the workshop topic may be scheduled for presentation during the workshop. Regular or workshop submissions will also be considered for acceptance as a poster. A paper submitted to the short or full paper category will only be considered in that category.


The FPGA Symposium uses a double-blind reviewing system. Manuscripts must not identify authors or their affiliations; those that do will not be considered. Exceptions may be allowed, with prior approval of the Program Chair, in cases where the authorsŐ identity is vital to evaluating the paper (e.g., papers presenting updates of infrastructure used by the FPGA community). References to the authorsŐ prior work should be made in the 3rd person, in the same way one would reference work by others. If necessary to maintain anonymity, citations may be shown as "Removed for blind review", but consider that this may impede a thorough review if the removed citation is crucial to understanding the submission.

Important dates:

Submissions due:

  September 17, 2017 September 24, 2017

Notification of acceptance:

 Mid-November, 2017

Camera-ready copy of accepted papers due:

 Early December, 2017

Contact Information

For questions about the submission process or technical program:


Kia Bazargan, Program Chair FPGA 2018
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Minnesota

200 Union St SE

Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

For general questions about the conference:


Jason Anderson, General Chair FPGA 2018
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto

10 King's College Road

Toronto, ON M5S 3G4 CANADA

Organizing Committee