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FPGA 2002

Hotel Information

Tenth ACM International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

Monterey, California
February 24-26, 2002


FPGA 2002 will be held at the Monterey Beach Resort.  Attendees who will be staying at the hotel must make hotel reservations in addition to their conference registration.  To make reservations at the hotel, contact:


The Beach Resort

2600 Sand Dunes Drive

Monterey, CA 93940




Indicate that you are with the ACM/FPGA conference to get the conference rate of  $109 Gardenside or $149 Oceanside.  The room rate is the same for single or double. The conference cut off-date is February 4, 2002.  Reservations received after February 4 will be accepted on a space and rate available basis only.