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FPGA 2002

Final Program

Tenth ACM International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

Monterey Beach Hotel
Monterey, California
February 24-26, 2002


Join us at the beach in Monterey, California for the tenth ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA2002), the premier forum for novel work in all areas related to FPGA technology.  This year’s FPGA Symposium features twenty-six papers describing cutting-edge FPGA work.  Authors present novel work on FPGA architecture from commercial vendors, research labs and universities.  Innovative software research highlights high-speed and high-quality FPGA design.  Papers also describe novel devices and software for reconfigurable computing.  Finally, FPGA 2002 showcases some very impressive applications of FPGAs.


FPGA2002 provides a relaxed environment for informal information exchange, networking and stimulating discussions with the leaders in FPGA research and development from academia and industry. Paper sessions are separated by ample time to peruse the poster presentations and discuss the latest-breaking FPGA news.  This year, FPGA 2002 moves back to the Montery Beach Hotel, a stunning setting guaranteed to facilitate informal discussion as well as formal presentations.


To celebrate our anniversary, the FPGA 2002 dinner banquet will be held at the world-renowned Monterey Bay Aquarium.  This is an opportunity not to be missed.


If you are at all interested in FPGA technology and developments, you won’t want to miss this event.




General Chair: Martine Schlag, UCSC
Finance Chair: Scott Hauck, U. of Washington
Program Chair: Steve Trimberger, Xilinx
Publicity Chair: Russ Tessier, U. Mass.-Amherst

Program Committee:

Ray Andraka, Andraka Consulting
Mike Bershteyn, Cognigine

Vaughn Betz, Altera
Richard Cliff, Altera
Jason Cong, UCLA
Andre Dehon, Caltech
Eugene Ding, Agere Systems
Marty Emmert, Wright State U.
Scott Hauck, U. of Washington
Rajeev Jayaraman, Xilinx
Sinan Kaptanoglu, Adaptive Silicon

Tom Kean, Algotronix

Arun Kundu, Actel
Miriam Leeser, Northeastern U.
Wayne Luk, Imperial College
Margaret Marek-Sadowska, UCSB
Martine Schlag, UCSC
Herman Schmit, CMU
Russ Tessier, U. Mass. - Amherst
Steve Trimberger, Xilinx
Steve Wilton, U. British Columbia

Martin Wong, U. Texas




Sponsored by ACM SIGDA, with support from Xilinx, Altera, Actel, and Cypress Semiconductor.


Sunday, February 24, 2002




Welcoming Reception

Monday, February 25, 2002


Continental Breakfast and Registration


Opening remarks: Martine Schlag, Steve Trimberger

Session 1. Interconnect Architecture

Chair: Steve Wilton, University of British Columbia


Interconnect Enhancements for a High-Speed PLD Architecture, Michael Hutton, Vinson Chan, Peter Kazarian, Victor Maruri, Tony Ngai, Jim Park, Rakesh Patel, Bruce Pedersen, Jay Schleicher, Sergey Shumarayev, Altera


FPGA Switch Block Layout and Evaluation, Herman Schmit, Vikas Chandra, Carnegie Mellon


Circuit Design of FPGA Routing Switches, Guy G. Lemieux, David M. Lewis, University of Toronto


Poster Presentations

Session 2. Arithmetic

Chair: Tom Kean, Algotronix


A Faster Distributed Arithmetic Architecture for FPGAs, Radhika S. Grover, Weijia Shang, Qiang Li, Santa Clara University


Efficient Architectures for Implementing Montgomery Modular Multiplication and RSA Modular Exponentiation on Reconfigurable Logic, Alan Daly, Liam Marnane, University College, Cork


A Flexible Floating-Point Format for Optimizing Data-Paths and Operators in FPGA Based DSPs, J. Dido, N. Geraudie, L. Loiseau, O. Payeur, Y. Savaria, École Polytechnique de Montréal; D. Poirier, Miranda Technologies, Inc.


Poster Presentations.




Session 3. Physical Design

Chair: Russ Tessier, University of Massachusetts - Amherst


Efficient Circuit Clustering for Area and Power Reduction in FPGAs, Amit Singh, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska, University of California, Santa Barbara


Integrated Retiming and Placement for Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Deshanand P. Singh, Stephen D. Brown, University of Toronto


SPFD-Based Global Rewiring, Jason Cong, Yizhou Lin, Wangning Long, University of California, Los Angeles


Eve: A CAD Tool for Manual Placement and Pipelining Assistance of FPGA Circuits, William Chow, Jonathan Rose, University of Toronto


Coffee Break and Poster Presentations

Session 4. Cellular and Cryptographic Applications

Chair: Scott Hauck, University of Washington


Application of FPGA Technology to Accelerate the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Method, Ryan N. Schneider, Laurence E. Turner, Michal M. Okoniewski, University of Calgary


FPGA Implementation of Neighborhood-of-Four Cellular Automata Random Number Generators, Barry Shackleford, Motoo Tanaka, Richard J. Carter, Greg Snider, Hewlett-Packard


Cryptographic Rights Management of FPGA Intellectual Property Cores, Tom Kean, Algotronix.



Poster Presentations



Busses Depart for Monterey Bay Aquarium

7:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Dinner at the Monterey Bay Aquarium


Tuesday, February 26, 2002


Continental Breakfast and Registration

Session 5. Synthesis, Verification and Test

Chair: Jason Cong, UCLA


Constrained Clock Shifting for Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Deshanand P. Singh, Stephen D. Brown, University of Toronto


Timing Verification of Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic for the Xilinx Virtex FPGA Series, Ian Robertson, University of Strathclyde; David Robinson, The Alba Centre; James Irvine, University of Strathclyde


FPGA Test Time Reduction Through a Novel Interconnect Testing Scheme, Stuart McCracken, Zeljko Zelic, McGill University


Coffee Break and Poster Presentations.


Session 6. Architecture Analysis and Automation

Chair: Vaughn Betz, Altera


On the Sensitivity of FPGA Architectural Conclusions to Experimental Assumptions, Tools and Techniques, Andy Yan, Rebecca Cheng, Steven Wilton, University of British Columbia


Dynamic Power Consumption in Virtex-II FPGA Family, Li Shang, Princeton University; Alireza S. Kaviani, Kusuma Bathala, Xilinx, Inc..


Automatic Layout of Domain-Specific Reconfigurable Subsystems for System-on-a-Chip, Shawn Phillips, Scott Hauck, University of Washington


Poster Presentations.




Session 7. Software for Reconfigurable Systems

Chair: Miriam Leeser, Northeastern University


Performance-Constrained Pipelining of Software Loops onto Reconfigurable Hardware, Greg Snider, Hewlett-Packard


Configuration Prefetching Techniques for Partial Reconfigurable Coprocessor with Relocation and Defragmentation, Zhiyuan Li, Northwestern University; Scott Hauck, University of Washington


Analysis of Quasi-Static Scheduling Techniques in a Virtualized Reconfigurable Machine, Yury Markovskiy, Eylon Caspi, Randy Huang, Joseph Yeh, Michael Chu, University of California Berkeley; André DeHon, Caltech; John Wawrzynek, University of California, Berkeley


Incremental Reconfiguration of Multi-FPGA Systems, K.K. Lee, Synopsys; D.F. Wong, University of Texas at Austin


Coffee Break and Poster Presentations

Session 8. Innovative Applications

                              Chair: Ray Andraka, Andraka Consulting Group


Parallel-Beam Backprojection: An FPGA Implementation Optimized for Medical Imaging, Srdjan Coric, Miriam Leeser, Eric Miller, Northeastern University; Marc Trepanier, Mercury Computer Systems


A Dynamically Reconfigurable Adaptive Viterbi Decoder, Sriram Swaminathan, Russell Tessier, Dennis Goeckel, Wayne Burleson, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


Data Transformations Engines for the Next Generation of System-On-A-Chip FPGAs, Pedro Diniz, Joonseok Park, University of Southern California/ISI


Closing Remarks,  Martine Schlag, Steve Trimberger