Scott Hauck, U. of Washington Finance Chair: Steve Trimberger,
Xilinx Program Chair: Martine Schlag, UCSC Publicity
Chair: Russ Tessier, U. Mass.-Amherst
Ray Andraka, Andraka Consulting Mike Bershteyn,
Quickturn Richard Cliff, Altera Jason Cong, UCLA Andre
Dehon, Caltech Eugene Ding, Agere Systems Carl Ebeling, U. of
Washington Scott Hauck, U. of Washington TingTing Hwang, Natl.
Tsing Hua U. Sinan Kaptanoglu, Adaptive Silicon Tom Kean,
Arun Kundu, Actel Miriam Leeser, Northeastern U. Wayne
Luk, Imperial College Margaret Marek-Sadowska, UCSB Jonathan
Rose, U. of Toronto Martine Schlag, UCSC Herman Schmit,
CMU Charles Stroud, UNC - Charlotte Russ Tessier, U. Mass. -
Amherst Steve Trimberger, Xilinx Steve Wilton, U. British
| |
Sunday, February 11, 2001
6:00PM |
Registration |
7:00PM |
Welcoming Reception |
Monday, February 12, 2001
7:30AM |
Continental Breakfast and Registration |
8:20AM |
Opening remarks: Scott
Hauck, Martine Schlag |
Session 1. Placement and Routing
Chair: Carl Ebeling, University of Washington
8:30AM |
Timing-Driven Placement for Hierarchical Programmable
Logic Devices. Michael Hutton, Khosrow Adibasmii and
Andrew Leaver, Altera Corporation. |
8:50AM |
LRoute: A Delay Minimal Router for Hierarchical CPLDs.
K. K. Lee, Synopsys; Martin D. F. Wong, University of Texas at Austin. |
9:10AM |
A Crosstalk-Aware Timing-Driven Router for FPGAs. Steven
J. E. Wilton, University of British Columbia.
9:30AM |
Runtime and Quality Tradeoffs in FPGA Placement and Routing.
Chandra Mulpuri and Scott Hauck, University of Washington.
9:50AM |
Coffee Break and Poster
Presentations. |
Session 2. Technology Mapping
Chair: Steven Wilton, University of British Columbia
10:50AM |
Performance-Driven Mapping for CPLD Architectures.
Deming Chen, Jason Cong, Milos Ercegovac and Zhijun Huang,
University of California, Los Angeles. |
11:10AM |
Simultaneous Logic Decomposition with Technology Mapping in FPGA Designs.
Gang Chen and Jason Cong,
University of California, Los Angeles. |
11:30AM |
Poster Presentations. |
Session 3. Routing Architectures
Chair: Tom Kean, Algotronix
1:30PM |
Using Sparse Crossbars within LUT Clusters.
Guy G. Lemieux and David M. Lewis,
University of Toronto. |
1:50PM |
Detailed Routing Architectures for Embedded Programmable Logic IP Cores.
Peter Hallschmid and Steven J.E. Wilton,
University of British Columbia. |
2:10PM |
Mixing Buffers and Pass Transistors in FPGA Routing Architectures.
Mike Sheng and Jonathan Rose, University of Toronto. |
2:30PM |
Coffee Break and Poster
Presentations. |
Session 4. Applications
Chair: Ray Andraka, Andraka Consulting
3:30PM |
Reprogrammable Network Packet Processing on the Field Programmable
Port Extender (FPX).
John W. Lockwood, Naji Naufel, David E. Taylor and Jon S. Turner,
Washington University. |
3:50PM |
Fast Implementations of secret-key block ciphers using mixed inner-
and outer-round pipelining.
Pawel Chodowiec, Po Khuon, and Kris Gaj,
George Mason University
4:10PM |
Algorithmic Transformations in the Implementation of K-means Clustering
on Reconfigurable Hardware.
Mike Estlick, Miriam Leeser, Northeastern University; John J. Szymanski and James Theiler,
Los Alamos National Laboratory. |
Panel: Is marriage in the cards for programmable logic, microprocessors, and ASICs?
Moderator: Sinan Kaptanoglu, Adaptive Silicon
Panelists: John East, Actel Tim Garverick,
Adaptive Silicon Scott Hauck, University of
David Papworth, Intel Danesh Tavana,
Triscend Steve Trimberger, Xilinx Ronnie Vasishta, LSI Logic
The panelists focus first on the possibility, likelihood or inevitability
of combinations of programmable logic, microprocessors and ASICs in a
single chip and then address the following issues:
Will they be as general as possible or application specific?
Will all three types of logic be involved, or perhaps only two?
How much of the die area should be allocated to programmable logic?
How will the CAD tools cope with the speed mismatch between the
programmable logic and fixed logic on the same chip?
How will the designs be partitioned into programmable and fixed
parts; will it be done by humans or by CAD tools?
These future predictions may depend on the system design size: are the
answers for 500K gate system designs different from those for 5,000K
gate system designs? What will happen when 50,000K gate system designs
become common-place in 5 years?
Tuesday, February 13, 2001
7:30AM |
Continental Breakfast and
Registration |
Session 5. Reconfigurable Computing
Chair: Steve Trimberger, Xilinx
8:30AM |
Attacking the Semantic Gap Between Application Programming Languages
and Configurable Hardware.
Greg Snider, Barry Shackleford and Richard J. Carter,
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. |
8:50AM |
Matching and Searching Analysis for Parallel Hardware Implementation
on FPGAs. Pablo Moisset, Pedro Diniz and Joonseok Park,
University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute. |
9:10AM |
Evaluation of the Streams-C C-to-FPGA Compiler: An Applications
Perspective. Janette Frigo, Maya Gokhale and Dominique Lavenier,
Los Alamos National Laboratory.
9:30AM |
The Effect of Reconfigurable Units in Superscalar
Processors. Jorge E. Carrillo and Paul Chow,
University of Toronto.
9:50AM |
Coffee Break and Poster
Presentations. |
Session 6. Pipelined Routing Architectures
Chair: Andre Dehon, Cal Tech
10:50AM |
Interconnect Pipelining in a Throughput-Intensive FPGA Architecture.
Amit Singh, Arindam Mukherjee and Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska,
University of California, Santa Barbara.
11:10AM |
The Case for Registered Routing Switches in Field Programmable Gate Arrays.
Deshanand P. Singh and Stephen D. Brown,
University of Toronto. |
11:30AM |
Poster Presentations. |
Session 7. Issues in FPGA-Based Systems
Chair: Charles Stroud, University of North
Carolina - Charlotte
1:30PM |
Configuration Compression for FPGA-based Embedded Systems.
Andreas Dandalis and Viktor K. Prasanna,
University of Southern California.
1:50PM |
A Memory Coherence Technique for Online Transient Error
Recovery of FPGA Configurations.
Wei-Je Huang and Edward J. McCluskey,
Stanford University. |
2:10PM |
Run-Time Defect Tolerance using JBits.
Prasanna Sundararajan and Steven A. Guccione,
Xilinx Corporation. |
2:30PM |
Coffee Break and Poster
Presentations. |
Session 8. Applications in Image/Video Compression
Chair: Miriam Leeser, Northeastern University
3:30PM |
A pipelined architecture for partitioned DWT based lossy image
compression using FPGAs.
Jörg Ritter and Paul Molitor,
Martin-Luther University.
3:50PM |
An FPGA-Based Video Compressor for H.263 Compatible Bitstreams.
G. Lienhart, R. Lay, K.H. Noffz and R. M"anner,
University of Mannheim.
4:10PM |
FPGA implementation of a novel, fast motion estimation algorithm
for real-time video compression.
S. Ramachandran and S. Srinivasan,
Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai.
4:30PM |
Closing Remarks: Scott Hauck,
Martine Schlag |